Review: Nix’s Symphony

Last modified date

Nix’s Symphony, directed by Karina Loerchner, is a beautiful animated short with an incredibly creative take on a musician’s writer’s block.

It’s very amusing in its presentation and delightful to watch. I especially enjoyed its theme of honouring the legacy of our parents.

I highly recommend checking this one out.

More about the film and the director Karina Loerchner

More info & links:

Alvin Tsang

Film Reviewer

In his youth Alvin loved watching movies and would find himself spending his lunch money and allowance at the box office. He loved the Matrix and the X-Men films, and somewhere along the way, he discovered a love for horror movies — HereditaryMidsommar and Mother! being his favourites. He now holds a professional writing diploma, a couple of journalism degrees, and likes to spend his free time reviewing movies on IMDB and for various magazines. @alvinwct