Support Local Film Festivals Ottawa and the Outaouais region boast a thriving and dynamic film scene. The area serves as a hub for various international, regional, and local film festivals, taking place at multiple venues. Categories Jith Paul
SparkForward: Films with Tone Shifts “What happens when the movie you are watching turns into something completely different?” – Jith Paul Categories Jith Paul
SparkForward: Films with Multiple Aspect Ratios “Altering your frame within a movie, whether it’s out of necessity or as a narrative choice, changes a viewer’s perspective and when it comes to film, it is all about perspective.” – Jith Paul Categories Jith Paul
SparkForward: Favourite Mirror Shots in Movies “From a technical and practical aspect, I marvel at the ability to hide crew, camera and equipment, especially when it is done practically with little to no post-production help. As a filmmaker, I realize that this is especially challenging to achieve in a shot with camera movement.” – Jith Paul Categories Jith Paul
Interview: Abhish and Keero Birla An interview with directors, producers and brothers Abhish and Keero Birla about their documentary Tiger Tiger. Categories Jith Paul
Interview: Kelly Saxberg and Zachary Chabot An interview with filmmaker Kelly Saxberg about her film Silent Cries and OCan Jury President and filmmaker Zachary Chabot. Categories Jith Paul
Interview: David Randall and Amir Zargara An interview with filmmakers David Randall and Amir Zargara about their short films. Triage and A Good Day Will Come, both screening at the Ottawa Canadian Film Festival in November 2024. Categories Jith Paul
Interview: The OCan24 Jurors “The Ottawa Canadian Film Festival announced the jury for the 2024 festival earlier this year. I interviewed OCan24 Jury President Zachary Chabot and jurors Daniel Perras, Fitch Jean, and Nicole Bedford” – Blair Campbell Categories Blair Campbell
Interview: Julie Bruns and Steven Kammerer Julie Bruns and Steven Kammerer lead the creative team behind the short film ‘Ada’. Blair Campbell interviewed them recently. Categories Blair Campbell
Interview: Kim Thúy Kim Thúy Ly Thanh is a Vietnamese-born Canadian writer, whose debut novel Ru won the Governor General’s Award for French-language fiction in 2010. Ru, a film adaptation of Thúy’s novel, was directed by Charles-Olivier Michaud and was released in 2023. Categories Jith Paul
Interview: Nisha Pahuja Nisha Pahuja, writer/director of “To Kill a Tiger” chats with Monique. The film was named to TIFF’s annual year-end Canada’s Top Ten list for 2022. Categories Jith Paul
Interview: Jane Gurr and Ed Kucerak Documentary filmmakers Jane Gurr and Ed Kucerak chat with Monique about their latest collaboration, “Lunch at the Rideau”. Categories Jith Paul
Interview: Kris Fleerackers and Andrea Wing Kris Fleerackers, director of the live-action puppetry film “IDOL”, and Andrea Wing, director of the documentaries “The Trapline” and “Leo & Chester” chat with Monique. Categories Jith Paul
Favourite Fake Trailers “Creating a fake trailer is a fun way to practice your skills at writing and execution, and is a clever way to attract potential funders, for the right project.” – Jith Paul Categories Jith Paul
Favourite Movie Opening Long Takes “Long takes at the beginning of films are used to establish locations and characters. They usually have that ‘grab factor’ or a slight of hand that really pulls in an audience.” – Jith Paul Categories Jith Paul
Films about the Vietnam War “The Deer Hunter and Apocalypse Now dealt with the Vietnam war but from different perspectives.” – Blair Campbell Categories Blair Campbell