Review: Fresh “Fresh (2022) is captivating, highly romantic and absolutely horrific, and in my opinion, one of the best horrors in the last two years.” – Alvin Tsang Categories Alvin Tsang
Review: Clifford The Big Red Dog “This film is heartwarming, and conveys a sense of nostalgia by causing the audience to reflect on their own lives when they were kids.” – Catharine Horsley Categories Catharine Horsley
Review: Jelly (2nd Review) “The story is well knit to touch different aspects of their relationship. It’s a certainly a good laid-back movie for entertainment.” – Uchechi Ogbonna Categories Uchechi Ogbonna
Review: Jelly “Jelly is absolutely one of my favourite shorts to come out of OCan22. It’s a must see.” – Alvin Tsang Categories Alvin Tsang
Review: The Flexed Arm Hang (2nd Review) “The short is a very charming watch, as it portrays these small time, low stake events during school, as these death defying, leaps of faith where everything is on the line.” – Angus Luff Categories Angus Luff
Review: The Flexed Arm Hang “The short film has such depth and character, you can’t help but fall in love with it.” – Alvin Tsang Categories Alvin Tsang
Review: Not Your Average Bear “Cliff Skelton clearly depicts the frustration people face within the job market, however some scenes are lackluster and distracting, straying away from the focal point of the film, and prompting questions from the audience.” – Catharine Horsley Categories Catharine Horsley
Review: The Mayor of Comedy “There is something immediately likeable about comedian Sandra Battaglini, the host and interviewer in this feature documentary exploring the state of the stand-up comedy in Canada.” – Amen Jafri Categories Amen Jafri